douglas adams
Quotes of my favorite author Douglas Adams linked to my images
Hut in the forest near Begnins (Nyon, Switzerland)
Many millions of years ago a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings … got so fed up with the constant bickering about the meaning of life which used to interrupt their favorite pastime of Brockian Ultra Cricket … that the decided to sit down and solve their problems once and for all.
And to this end they bild themselves a stupendous super-computer … It was the size of a small city. Its main console was installed in a specially designed executive office, mounted on an enormous executive desk of finest ultra mahogany topped with rich ultra red leather. On the day of the Great On-Turning two soberly dressed programmers with briefcases arrived and were shown discreetly into the office.
“O Deep Thought computer," he said, "the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us...." he paused, "The Answer."
"The Answer?" said Deep Thought. "The Answer to what?"
"Life!" urged Fook.
"The Universe!" said Lunkwill.
"Everything!" they said in chorus.
Deep Thought paused for a moment's reflection.
"Tricky," he said finally.
"But can you do it?"
Again, a significant pause.
"Yes," said Deep Thought, "I can do it."
"There is an answer?" said Fook with breathless excitement.
"Yes," said Deep Thought. "Life, the Universe, and Everything. There is an answer. But, I'll have to think about it."
Fook glanced impatiently at his watch.
“How long?” he said.
“Seven and a half million years,” said Deep Thought.
from Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy